Saturday July 5, 2008

THROUGH 1615Z JULY 5, 2008

North Carolina/Virginia:

Can not be seen due to cloud cover.


The numerous fires in northern CA northwest of Lake Tahoe are producing
and area of light smoke now moving more west to south and filling in
the northern portion of the San Joaquin Valley. Harder to see is the
smoke from the Big Sur and Goleta fires has it moves south over the low
maritime cloud layer from Big Sur to off the Baja peninsula.

The Plains and Midwest:

Smoke from fires in Manitoba and Saskatchewan blankets a large area
form the Dakotas south to Kansas and then extends east across Minnesota,
Iowa and Missouri to Wisconsin and Illinois.

Great Lakes and Ontario:

Also from fire in northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba light smoke can be
seen across eastern Lake Superior, central and northeastern Michigan,
Lake Huron and the Georgian Bay into central and northeastern Ontario.

Alaska and Northwestern Canada:

From fires in Saskatchewan and Manitoba smoke can be seen stretching
from the area north of Great Bear Lake to the Beaufort Sea west and
crossing to the northern portion of the Yukon and into Alaska north of
the Brooks range.  A fire near Fort Yukon AK is also producing smoke
that extends west along the Yukon River Valley.



Unless otherwise indicated:
  • Areas of smoke are analyzed using GOES-EAST and GOES-WEST Visible satellite imagery.
  • Only a general description of areas of smoke or significant smoke plumes will be analyzed.
  • A quantitative assessment of the density/amount of particulate or the vertical distribution is not included.
  • Widespread cloudiness may prevent the detection of smoke even from significant fires.