#------------ Check the GFS Model data for MSPPS Processing [OPUS] ------------#

There are 3 GFS Model Files processed succesfully within 24 hours.
There are 1 GFS Model Files processed with ERROR within 24 hours.

The ERROR message are as following:

For Model Files processed mspps.getGFS12.D06340.S160001: 06.340 16:00:20  MS  getgblav12  The original GFS data files are not updated!

06.340 16:00:20  MS  get_gblav_  get_gblav_1deg12.sh: getgblav12.sh failed 

06.340 16:00:20  MS  Pmspps.csh  PROCESS END WITH RETURN CODE 99

WARNING!! There are less than 4 GFS Model Files processed succesfully within 24 hours.