Begin to check genesis product: Tue Sep 25 21:57:51 GMT 2012 Instructions: Check steps 1 through 6 below for both the most recent and previous runs PASS = step completed normally, no action needed FAIL = step failed, notify product team, be sure to include any diagnostics information displayed ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking MOST RECENT run time: 09/25/2012 12 UTC : 1) Product data file 2012092512RTGPARM.DAT exists? --> PASS 2) Checking TCFP data file for errors: GOES-EAST data available? --> PASS 3) Checking TCFP data file for errors: GOES-WEST data available? --> PASS 4) Checking TCFP data file for errors: MTSAT data available? --> PASS 5) Checking TCFP data file for errors: GRIB data available? --> PASS 6) Testing connection to WEB SERVER (gp5) --> PASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking PREVIOUS run time: 09/25/2012 6 UTC : 1) Product data file 2012092506RTGPARM.DAT exists? --> PASS 2) Checking TCFP data file for errors: GOES-EAST data available? --> PASS 3) Checking TCFP data file for errors: GOES-WEST data available? --> PASS 4) Checking TCFP data file for errors: MTSAT data available? --> PASS 5) Checking TCFP data file for errors: GRIB data available? --> PASS 6) Testing connection to WEB SERVER (gp5) --> PASS