THROUGH 0100Z February 19, 2011
Southeastern U.S.: Numerous fire, most of which are likely agricultural fires are analyzed in satellite imagery today over much of the southeastern U.S. Several smoke plumes were seen associated with some of these fires. The larger plumes of light to medium dense smoke were seen in eastern SC, eastern GA, and western panhandle of FL. Most of these smoke plume appear to becoming entrained with the two areas of unknown aerosols mentioned in the previous discussion across east coast of U.S. and across the eastern Gulf of Mexico, offshore of western peninsula of Florida. Warren Previous Discussion: Eastern Gulf of Mexico and East Coast USA: An area of unknown aerosols was seen this morning moving off the west coast of Florida into the Gulf of Mexico. A similar elongated area of unknown aerosols was seen stretching from northeast Florida to off the coast of New Jersey. This area is seen moving toward the east. It is possible that smoke from numerous agricultural fires in the area the past few days is mixed in with other aerosols in both locations. Earle THE FORMAT OF THIS TEXT PRODUCT IS BEING MODIFIED. IT WILL NO LONGER DESCRIBE THE VARIOUS PLUMES THAT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH ACTIVE FIRES. THESE PLUMES ARE DEPICTED IN VARIOUS GRAPHIC FORMATS ON OUR WEB SITE: JPEG: GIS: KML: THIS TEXT PRODUCT WILL CONTINUE TO DESCRIBE SIGNIFICANT AREAS OF SMOKE WHICH HAVE BECOME DETACHED FROM AND DRIFTED SOME DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE SOURCE FIRE, TYPICALLY OVER THE COURSE OF ONE OR MORE DAYS. IT WILL ALSO STILL INCLUDE DESCRIPTIONS OF BLOWING DUST. THE SMOKE TEXT PRODUCT IN GENERAL SHOULD BE SENT TO ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS REGARDING THESE CHANGES OR THE SMOKE TEXT PRODUCT IN GENERAL SHOULD BE SENT TO