THROUGH 1800Z February 19, 2011
Southeastern US: A large area of mostly thin smoke stretched across the southeastern US today from the eastern Florida panhandle and Apalachee Bay northeastward across the state to east of the Carolinas. Another long thin finger of smoke connected into this main area of smoke and stretched southwest across Lake Okeechobee and southern Florida into the eastern Gulf of Mexico near the Florida Keys. The majority of this remnant smoke is believed to have come from the numerous agricultural and prescribed burns that have been occurring over the southeast US the past few days; especially in Georgia. Gulf of Mexico: Several areas of thin remnant smoke, which may be mixed with other aerosols, are seen over the Gulf of Mexico today. The main area is moving across the central Gulf of Mexico spreading westward with a small area seen beneath clouds trailing behind. Given the atmospheric wind flow over the Gulf the past day or so, this smoke appears to have have originated from a combination of recent fires in the southeast US and Cuba. Remnant smoke is also present along the southern Texas coast lifting northward and probably originated from recent fires in Mexico. Sheffler THE FORMAT OF THIS TEXT PRODUCT IS BEING MODIFIED. IT WILL NO LONGER DESCRIBE THE VARIOUS PLUMES THAT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH ACTIVE FIRES. THESE PLUMES ARE DEPICTED IN VARIOUS GRAPHIC FORMATS ON OUR WEB SITE: JPEG: GIS: KML: THIS TEXT PRODUCT WILL CONTINUE TO DESCRIBE SIGNIFICANT AREAS OF SMOKE WHICH HAVE BECOME DETACHED FROM AND DRIFTED SOME DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE SOURCE FIRE, TYPICALLY OVER THE COURSE OF ONE OR MORE DAYS. IT WILL ALSO STILL INCLUDE DESCRIPTIONS OF BLOWING DUST. THE SMOKE TEXT PRODUCT IN GENERAL SHOULD BE SENT TO ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS REGARDING THESE CHANGES OR THE SMOKE TEXT PRODUCT IN GENERAL SHOULD BE SENT TO