THROUGH 0215Z May 2, 2011
White Sands: Blowing dust originating in White Sands, NM moved northeast tonight into Lincoln County, NM. The plume began around 2115Z. Western Texas/Chihuahua: Blowing dust moved south and west over western Texas and into Mexico this evening. Andrews County, TX is a probable point source for some of this dust, along with dust/smoke that entered the atmosphere from the numerous dust plumes in the immediate area over the last few days. By 0015Z on May 2, the dust began to cross into Mexico along the Texas/Mexico border from El Paso County to Brewster County. NE Mexico/Gulf of California: Blowing dust originating in Baja California and Sonora (Mexico) moved to the south and east this evening and over the open waters of the Gulf of California. Blowing dust/sand began in western areas of Sonora along the Gulf of California and moved eastward into interior sections of Mexico. Areas west of the city of Hermosillo were extremely active tonight. Gulf of Mexico: Remnant smoke continues to remain in the western and northern Gulf of Mexico. Myrga THE FORMAT OF THIS TEXT PRODUCT IS BEING MODIFIED. IT WILL NO LONGER DESCRIBE THE VARIOUS PLUMES THAT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH ACTIVE FIRES. THESE PLUMES ARE DEPICTED IN VARIOUS GRAPHIC FORMATS ON OUR WEB SITE: JPEG: GIS: KML: THIS TEXT PRODUCT WILL CONTINUE TO DESCRIBE SIGNIFICANT AREAS OF SMOKE WHICH HAVE BECOME DETACHED FROM AND DRIFTED SOME DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE SOURCE FIRE, TYPICALLY OVER THE COURSE OF ONE OR MORE DAYS. IT WILL ALSO STILL INCLUDE DESCRIPTIONS OF BLOWING DUST. ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS REGARDING THESE CHANGES OR THE SMOKE TEXT PRODUCT IN GENERAL SHOULD BE SENT TO