THROUGH 1702Z June 13, 2011
Southern and Southeastern US/Northern Mexico: A large area of mostly thin density aerosol which is believed to contain smoke covers a good portion of northern Mexico, the Southern and Southeastern US, Mid-Atlantic coastal region. Within this enormous area of thin density aerosol are areas of moderately dense to dense smoke over much of Northern Mexico and into New Mexico and Colorado/Kansas as well as Coastal Gulf of Mexico and off the Georgia/Florida coast. An area of heavy dense aerosols over coastal Georgia and Florida was present as fires in that area were still producing smoke. Many larger wildfires are responsible for this general area of smoke including ones which continue to burn over northern and western Mexico, eastern and southeastern Arizona, northwestern Texas, southeastern Georgia, northeastern Florida, and far northeastern North Carolina. Central/Eastern Canada/Great Lakes Region: A large region of smoke can also be seen over Ontario and Quebec provinces and extends over much of the Great Lakes region. All of this smoke is from the numerous wildfires that continue to burn in northeastern Alberta and northern Saskatchewan. The most dense smoke was located over northeastern Ontario and northern Quebec along the Hudson Bay. Western and Northwestern Canada: An area of light smoke covers much of Yukon and the Northwestern Territories and extends over northern Alberta and northwestern Saskatchewan. Some moderate smoke is present over Northwest Territories and areas of heavy dense smoke are located closer to the fires still burning and producing smoke in Alberta/Saskatchewan provinces. Liddick THIS TEXT PRODUCT IS PRIMARILY INTENDED TO DESCRIBE SIGNIFICANT AREAS SMOKE ASSOCIATED WITH ACTIVE FIRES AND SMOKE WHICH HAS BECOME DETACHED FROM THE FIRES AND DRIFTED SOME DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE SOURCE FIRE..TYPICALLY OVER THE COURSE OF ONE OR MORE DAYS. AREAS OF BLOWING DUST ARE ALSO DESCRIBED. USERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO VIEW A GRAPHIC DEPICTION OF THESE AND OTHER PLUMES WHICH ARE LESS EXTENSIVE AND STILL ATTACHED TO THE SOURCE FIRE IN VARIOUS GRAPHIC FORMATS ON OUR WEB SITE: JPEG: GIS: KML: ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS REGARDING THIS PRODUCT SHOULD BE SENT TO