Subject: product-change Detail: Update to OSI SAF Global Sea Ice Concentration product. As part of the update, the product file naming will change. A parallel distribution on EUMETCast of the new product and the current one is planned from 14/10/15 to 03/11/15. For full details, see the URL provided below. [Rev 2]: The planned replacement of the OSI SAF Sea Ice Concentration version from a to b, has been postponed due to a problem with the ice detection in lakes. The new planned date for the definitive replacement is 26/01/2016. The parallel distribution on EUMETCast will continue until then. [Rev 3]: The planned switch to the 'b' version of the Sea Ice Concentration product (OSI-401-b) has been postponed until further notice. [Rev 4]: The planned switch to the 'b' version of the Sea Ice Concentration product (OSI-401-b) is now planned for 26th May 2016. Url: Status: scheduled Issue Time: 2015-09-30 12:52:14.0 Services: OSI SAF - Products Type: Planned Maintenance Ann Nr: 1872 Rev: 1 Start Time: 2016-05-31 15:28:00.0 End Time: 2016-05-31 15:29:00.0 Satellites: MET-10