Subject: instrument-calibration Impact: data-unavailable Detail: GOME2 monthly measurements of GOME-2 polarisation (PMD) data in raw readout mode (PMDRAW). The AC SAF Near Real Time Total Column products (Total Column Ozone, the Total Column NO2, and the Tropospheric NO2) will be unavailable. Status: scheduled Issue Time: 2017-12-27 15:40:03.0 Services: GOME-2 AHRPT Metop-A GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-A AC SAF - Products Type: Planned Maintenance Ann Nr: 3447 Rev: 1 Start Time: 2018-01-01 19:44:00.0 End Time: 2018-01-01 20:43:00.0 Satellites: Metop-B Subsystem: GOME-2